Message from Sheriff Johnny W. Bivens:
As your Sheriff, I believe in the dignity and worth of most people. It is the duty of my office to safeguard lives and property as well as to protect the innocent from becoming victims of deception and oppression, while always respecting the peoples constitutional rights.
I am commited to providing the safest environment and the highest level of service possible with the goal of improving the quality of life for all citizens of Lewis County.
Through innovative leadership and a partnership with those whom we serve, I am dedicated, capable, and well prepared to enforce all laws, deter criminal activity, and protect and serve the citizens of Lewis County.
Sheriff Johnny W. Bivens
With the passing of House Bill 40, qualified Kentucky residents are allowed to conceal and carry deadly weapons as of
October 1, 1996.
The Kentucky State Police are in-charge of issuing a Concealed Carry Permit to carry a Concealed Deadly Weapon. Our job is to take an application for a permit from a Lewis County resident and verify his/her completion certificate of the required training from a qualified training instructor along with the payment of necessary fees and take a photograph of the applicant and forward that information to the Kentucky State Police. Then in approximately 3-5 weeks when the Kentucky State Police issue a permit they notify the applicant via mail and the applicant can pick-up his/her permit in our office during normal business hours.
As of July 12, 2006 , in accordance with House Bill 290 and the changes it made to KRS 237.110, anyone applying for a CCDW license or renewal must be a citizen of the United States . Therefore, applicants will need to fill out and sign a Citizenship Affidavit declaring citizenship to the United States , which will be attached to the application.
Another change that was made to KRS 237.110 states that of the $60 application fee, $40 of it must be a check or money order made payable to the Kentucky State Treasury, and any application submitted to the KSP that does not have the $40 fee with it will be returned unprocessed. The remaining $20, (of the $60 application fee), can be check or money order made out to the Lewis County Sheriff’s Office. For more on House Bill 290, click the following link: http://www.lrc.ky.gov/record/06RS/HB290/bill.doc
What Credentials Do You Need To Bring?
- US Government issued ID
- or Proof of Social Security Social Security Card
- or Letter from SSA
- or Most Recent State Income Tax Return
- Proof of Kentucky Residency
- Training Certificate Original plus copy (A copy can be made at the Sheriff’s Office)
- Separate Photo for the Application (A photo can be taken at the Sheriff’s Office)
If you decide to bring in your own photo:
It must be a 4 x 3 1//2 or a 4 x 5 shoulder shot, A passport photo is not acceptable.
The applicant may not wear a hat in the photo or tinted eyeglasses.
CCDW Application Fee |
$40.00 | Application Fee (check or money order made payable to Kentucky State Treasury) |
$20.00 | Application Fee (check or money order to the Sheriff’s Office) |
$ 2.00 | Photo (If needed) |
$62.00 | TOTAL |
To renew your CCDW license, come to the Sheriff’s Office during regular business hours.
As of March 9, 2001 , we can not accept a training course certificate from the Department of Fish and Wildlife (Firearms Safety and Hunter Education Course) and federal agencies because neither are providing training in Kentucky firearm laws (Use of Force, Access, etc.) which is required. This also include the military DD-214, which will NOT be accepted.
For more information about CCDW training and to obtain a listing of Certified Instructors in y our County, go to DOCJT’s “Carrying Concealed Deadly Weapons License Training“ web page or contact the DOCJT’s office at 859-622-8062.
For more information about qualifications, applications, restrictions, judicial status licenses, certified police officer CCDW’s or LEOSA, please visit the Kentucky State Police web site:
http://www.kentuckystatepolice.org/conceal.htm or contact the KSP at 502-222-8700.
Change of Personal Information
If you need to change personal information such as an address change you can obtain a form at the sheriff’s office. We will forward that information to the Kentucky State Police. There is no charge to submit a change of personal information.
The Kentucky State Police will use the same picture from your current permit and produce a new card with the changed information on it.
They will send the card to us and send you a Flash Pak when it is done indicating you can pick up your new card at our Office.
Please bring your old card along.
The Lewis County Sheriff’s Office serves the following types of papers: | |
Here is some specific information for some of the most type papers served:
This Unit receives many court orders directing the Sheriff to evict people from their residential or commercial property or to seize items of personal property to satisfy delinquent debt.
Warrants & Emergency Protective Orders (EPO’s)
The Sheriff’s Office is responsible for serving Emergency Protective Orders, Domestic Violence Warrants and Warrants sent to Lewis County from other Kentucky counties.
Warrants / Summons
If you have a complaint against another party and would like to take out an Arrest Warrant, or you need a summons for the party to appear in court, you must first file a complaint at the County Attorney’s Office.
After that, a judge will decide if it is worthy of a Warrant or a Summons and order the appropriate law enforcement agency to find, serve and/or arrest the offending party.
What is an Emergency Protective Order (EPO)?
An EPO is an order issued by the court to provide protection from future acts of violence. If you or someone you know is feeling threatened, in need of help, or just simply in need of information on EPO’s, call our office at (606) 796-2912
After an EPO is filed, a judge will decide whether to issue it and then order the Sheriff’s Office to serve the Emergency Protective Order on the respondent.
The Lewis County Sheriff’s Office is a twenty four hour Law Enforcement agency, and is responsible for Law Enforcement within Lewis County. The Sheriff’s Office is also responsible for tax collection, auto inspections, concealed weapon permits, courtroom security, and protection of judiciary members, civil and criminal process, and prisoner transport throughout the state.
It is the responsibility of the Lewis County Sheriff’s office to collect property taxes for the State, the County and School Districts. In addition, almost every Sheriff’s office collects taxes for some other special taxing district or special function such as fire protection districts, libraries, etc.
If you have questions about the assessment of your property taxes or you feel your tax bill is incorrect, you should contact the Lewis County Property Valuation Administration at (606)796-2622.
For any other questions, feel free to call our office at (606)796-2912.
Tax bills for real estate property are sent to the owner of records as of January 1st, unless a deed is filed after January 1st with specific tax bill instructions for the current year. According to the records of the Property Valuation Administrator’s Office. If you are not the current owner please call or forward this bill to the rightful owner if possible. If this is not possible, please notify the Sheriff’s Office.
The property tax bill lists the assessed value of your personal property, the tax rate applied by various jurisdictions such as the state, county, school system or other special taxing district or special function such as fire protection districts, libraries, etc. The Property Valuation Office does not set these rates, they are only responsible for assessing the value of your property.
Tax bills for real estate property are sent to the owner of record as of January 1st, or the current owner, according to the records of the Property Valuation Administrator’s Office. If you are not the current owner please call or forward this bill to the rightful owner if possible. If this is not possible, please notify the Sheriff’s Office.
The property tax bill lists the assessed value of your property, the tax rate that was applied by various jurisdictions such as the state, county and school system and the subtotal of each, before discounts or penalties. Pay only the single amount listed in the “If Paid By: Balance Due” areas at the bottom right of your bill and on your payment stub. Do not submit separate payments for each subtotal.
In the past, you may not have known the amount of tax due, or which districts were taxing your property. Again this year, all real estate property owners will receive a copy of the notice, even if a mortgage company handles payment, so you can see how your tax was calculated and where your tax dollars go.
The seller usually pays a pro-rated tax during closing for the portion of the year they owned the property. The buyer is then responsible to pay the entire tax amount when billed. If you are in doubt, refer to your closing settlement statement.
These exemptions can reduce your taxable assessment. The homestead exemption applies to people over 65 who own the home in which they live. The disability exemption applies to people who are totally disabled and own the home in which they live. If you think you might qualify for either of these exemptions, and you are not already receiving the exemption, call the Property Valuation Administrator’s Office at (606)796-2622.
Yes, the property owner is legally responsible for ensuring that the tax bill is paid. However, if you assume that the mortgage company will use your escrow account to pay the tax bill, but are unsure, call them. Also, if you did not receive a tax bill and you do own property, please check with the Sheriff’s Office to determine the amount of taxes due for your property, especially if you have recently purchased property.
You may pay your bill by cash, check, money order or with a debit/credit card. Make your check or money order payable to: Lewis County Sheriff’s Office. Include the Property I.D. number, (shown on your bill), on your check or money order. * PLEASE DO NOT SEND CASH THROUGH THE MAIL.
There is a schedule at the bottom right of your tax bill, and on your payment stub, showing the amount that is due, depending on the date your payment is received. As you can see, if your payment is received in the Sheriff’s Office by the earliest date shown, you will receive a 2 percent discount. Please note that the later you wait to pay, the higher the amount due.
There are three convenient methods to pay your property tax bill.
- Mail your tax bill payment stub & check to:
- Lewis County Sheriff’s Office
112 Second Street Suite 102
Vanceburg, KY 41179 - Pay in person at the Sheriff’s Office.
- Pay over the phone or in the office with a debit/credit card.
* Note: Taxpayers will be charged a convenience fee if a debit/credit card is used, based on the amount of your tax bill.
If for some reason, you think there is an overpayment, please call the Sheriff’s Office. We may need you to provide documentation before a refund can be processed.
There is a fee of $25 for any returned check. Also, when you resend your payment, additional penalties may apply, based on the late payment schedule shown on your bill.
Yes, if you mail your payment or pay in person. However, when doing so, please check to be sure you’ve added all the appropriate amounts correctly, so your payments will not be delayed in processing. Please remember to include your stubs for each property bill you pay.
Kentucky law requires all vehicles purchased in another state to be inspected by the Sheriff in the county where the vehicle is to be licensed. The inspection is intended to insure that the vehicle is “road worthy” and can be operated safely.
An out of state inspection is only required when a vehicle is brought into Kentucky from another state or purchased in another state, and whereas the owner is going to reside in Lewis County, and would like to obtain a Lewis County license plate. Your vehicle must comply with the provisions of KRS Chapter 189 pertaining to vehicle equipment. Simply put, your vehicle must be in a safe condition for operation upon the highway and capable of transporting both persons and contents in a safe manner. This would include, but not be limited to, the brakes, steering, headlights, rear lights, brake lights, and turn signals being in place and fully operable. Additionally, all window glass must be in place and the vehicle must be equipped with operable front windshield wipers.
A Lewis County Deputy Sheriff or designee certified in vehicle inspections, will check the vehicle identification number (VIN) and compare it with the number on the Title or Certificate of Origin. This information, along with the vehicle’s mileage, is recorded on a Kentucky Application for Certificate of Title/Registration Form. You must take this completed form to the County Clerk to obtain your Kentucky license plate. The inspector may also check the vehicle for all safety features, including lights, wipers, horn, turn signals, glass, brakes, etc.
The current cost for this service is $5.00 if conducted at the Sheriff’s Office or $15.00 if conducted at a location other than the Sheriff’s Office.
Drive Safely and Please Buckle Up!
Lewis County Sheriff’s Office
112 Second Street Suite 102
Vanceburg, KY 41179
Phone: (606)796-2912
Fax: (606)796-2463
Emergency: 911
Dispatch: (606)796-0982
Office Hours:
Mon, Tue, Thur and Fri 8:30A.M.-4:30P.M
Wed & Sat 8:30A.M.-12:00P.M.