Lewis County Attorney

Benjamin L. Harrison

Lewis County Attorney


Lewis County High School, 2002

Bachelor of Science, Northern Kentucky University, 2006

Appalachian School of Law, 2009

Member of the Greenup/Lewis Bar Association, Kentucky Bar Association, National Bar Association

Attorney at Stanley & Bertram, PSC, since 2009

Assistant Lewis County Attorney, 2010-2018

Appointed Lewis County Attorney on March 1, 2018 and elected to full term in 2018.

Thomas M. Bertram

Assistant Lewis County Attorney

Lewis County Attorney 2011-2018

Kaitlin Stewart

Assistant Lewis County Attorney


Chelcee Billman

Victims Advocate/ Legal Secretary



This Lewis County Attorney’s Office serves two distinct roles.  The first is the prosecutorial function in which we prosecute misdemeanors, violations, and juvenile crimes in Lewis District Court.  We also enforce child support orders and prosecute abuse and neglect cases in Lewis Family Court.

The second role is legal advisor to Lewis County Fiscal Court and other various county boards and commissions.  In this role, we defend and institute civil matters concerning county government, provide legal advice to county government, and collect delinquent real estate taxes.


Traffic Safety Program
Delinquent Tax Collection
Criminal Complaints
Traffic Safety Program
The Lewis County Traffic Safety Program is a diversion program for traffic violations. If you qualify, your traffic citation may be dismissed upon completion of a traffic safety program online. After you’re issued a citation, you will receive a letter from Drive Safe Kentucky with instructions on how to complete the online course. http://www.drivesafeky.com
Delinquent Tax Collection
If you have delinquent county property taxes, you may qualify for a payment plan.  In order to qualify, you must not have any outstanding payment plans with the Lewis County Attorney and you must be able to pay $100.00 down payment on any payment plan.  Payments are made to the Lewis County Attorney’s Office.
Individuals that are disabled, as defined by Kentucky Law, may qualify for an appointed Guardian.  The Guardianship process begins in the County Attorney’s Office.  We will guide you through the District Court process for a determination of disability but have no input as to who will, can, and should be appointed as a Guardian for an individual.  For more information on Kentucky Guardianships, you may go to the Kentucky Guardianship Association, Inc. https://www.kyguardianship.org/
Criminal Complaints
We encourage individuals wanting to make a complaint to be in contact with law enforcement.  Law enforcement has the ability to investigate crimes – this office does not.  If law enforcement is involved in your complaint, you must bring the police report to this office.  In order to file a complaint, you must have the Defendant’s full name and address.

112 Second Street, Suite 207
Vanceburg, Kentucky 41179

Phone: (606) 796-3201
Fax: (606) 796-0722